Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Rosary with Children

This child's rosary, entitled "A Modern Rosary," was composed by
Rev. Malachy Augustin Toner, S.S.C. of Our Lady of Apostles Convent in
Northern Ireland. According to the article in Catholic Faith and Family
where I first saw this rosary, it was approved by Archbishop Sean Brady of
Armagh on April 3, 1998. Now all we need is to write something for the
Luminous Mysteries.

Saying the rosary in this way puts the focus on the meditation on the mysteries, something
that may be second nature to adults, but is difficult for children who are still working on 
saying their Hail Mary's and counting the prayers.

We put the Hail Mary into the mouth of a person involved in the Mystery, and
we add the Holy Mary as our part and our petition.

Family members can take turns reciting the mysteries, even the little ones take part telling
the story in their own words. In our home, we didn't use the words below ver batim,
we simply told the story behind the mystery.

Begin with the  Our Father.

The Annunciation
The angel Gabriel enters the little home of Mary in Nazareth, speaks to
her softly and says: Hail Mary, etc. (once)

The Visitation
Elizabeth hears the voice of Mary who has come to visit her. She rushes
out and embraces her and says: Hail Mary, etc.

The Nativity
The shepherds enter the cave at Bethlehem and kneel before the crib. They
adore the child Jesus. Then they turn to Mary, bless her and say: Hail Mary, etc.

The Presentation
Simeon offers the child Jesus in the temple. He hands him gently back to
His Mother Mary. He blesses her and says: Hail Mary, etc.

The Finding in the Temple
The doctors return the lost boy Jesus to Joseph and Mary, and as the
three depart for home, from the temple steps, they bless Mary and say:
Hail Mary, etc.

The Agony in the Garden
As the holy women hear of the terrible agony of Jesus and His sweating of
blood in the Garden of Gethsemane, they gather round Mary, comfort her,
and say: Hail Mary, etc.

The Scourging at the Pillar
John returns to the little group in the upper room and tells what he has
seen: Jesus brutally scourged at the pillar. He comforts Mary and says:
Hail Mary, etc.

The Crowning with Thorns
Mary Magdalene also comes back and tells what she has seen: Jesus crowned
with thorns and mocked as a king. She comforts Mary and says: Hail Mary, etc.

The Carrying of the Cross
Veronica shows Mary the towel on which is imprinted the suffering face
of Christ as He carries His Cross to Calvary. She consoles Mary and says:
Hail Mary, etc.

The Crucifixion
As Jesus bows His head in death, the good thief speaks down from his cross
to Mary, blesses her and says: Hail Mary, etc.

The Resurrection
Though the Gospels do not tell us this, yet we can easily believe that
Jesus appeared early on Easter Sunday morning to His own Mother Mary,
smiled upon her, blessed her, and said: Hail Mary, etc.

The Ascension
As Jesus ascends into Heaven and disappears beyond the clouds, the
Apostles gather round Mary. They comfort her, console themselves, and
say: Hail Mary, etc.

The Descent of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit descends upon the Apostles and upon the head of Mary as a
flame of fire. He speaks to the heart of Mary and says: Hail Mary, etc..

The Assumption
The angels carry the body of Mary to Heaven, and as they go on their way,
they sing and they say and they pray: Hail Mary, etc.

The Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven
As Mary is crowned Queen of Heaven, Queen of Earth, Queen of Angels, and
Queen of Men, the Father has no better words to speak to her that the words
of the Angel Gabriel, and He says: Hail Mary, etc.

Finish with:
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was
in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

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