Tuesday, March 11, 2014

William E. may reminds us:

"Lent is ... an opportune time to meditate on our Divine call to be saints in and through our daily deeds." 

Monday, March 10, 2014

CRS Message for Today

Sacredness and Dignity of the Human Person
“You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works! My very self you know.”
—Psalms 139:13-14
Created in the image of God, all human life is sacred and possesses a dignity that comes directly from our creation and not from any action of our own.
“This teaching rests on one basic principle: individual human beings are the foundation, the cause and the end of every social institution. That is necessarily so, for men are by nature social beings.”
                                     —Pope John XXIII, Mater et Magistra #219 (Mother and Teacher)

This speaks to me as a parent and as an educator, challenging me to recognize Christ in all I encounter. It's also a reminder that our inherent value is always in our being, and not in our doing.
~ Beate

Friday, March 7, 2014

First Friday of Lent

Most of the family started out Lent marked with ashes, a reminder that our life here is temporary. While searching through my Lent resources, I reminded myself to do one thing and do it well. This year, I've chosen Donna Marie Cooper O'Boyle's:

This was published a couple of years ago and Donna wrote a new booklet for the current year which is available as an e-book. It uses quotes from Teresa of Avila Thérèse of Lisieux, so should be just as good. :-)

As a family we discussed doing three things each day:

  • Fast - give up something. This could be different each day, just some type of self-denial. 
  • Almsgiving - do something for somebody else.
  • Pray - add one extra prayer time to your day.
Last evening after our daily meditation from the book, my husband and I were surprised to hear the sounds of camaraderie coming from two of our children who have been especially at odds lately. Definitely music to a parent's ears ;-)

I'm also encouraging the kids to watch the CRS videos featured on the Rice Bowl app each week. All too often it's easy to forget how very blessed we are. 

May your Lenten season be fruitful!
