Sunday, February 24, 2013

Second Sunday of Lent

"....let us pray that the Lord enlighten us, give us the faith that builds the world, the faith that makes us find the path of life, true joy. Amen." ~ Cardinal Josef Ratzinger 2/24/05

The second Sunday of Lent is already here! In our family, the Crown of Thorns is loosing toothpicks at a good rate and the children are enjoying the activities on the Lenten calendar. I was glad that I was reading Abraham's story, as continuing to verse 18 would have been awkward! The children were quick to delve into the discussion of other celebratory meals and another time when it was said that all things are possible with God. Since I'm often filled with "mommy guilt" over my many shortcoming in sharing faith with the children, that was a true gift!

How is your Lenten journey progressing? I love the imagery of Lent as a new beginning, a time for looking forward and preparing the soil for the spring, allowing growth to happen. While tilling and weeding is certainly laborious esp. in the hard Texas soil, who doesn't catch their breath at the miracle of little green shoots poking through the earth!

May God's peace be with you ~

Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy Candlemas Day!

Tomorrow is the Feast of the Presentation, or Candlemas - a great time to introduce the Nunc Dimittis. I love the prayer of Simeon and enjoy wondering about him and Anna with the children. It seems each time we read this gospel we are struck by something new.

I also wonder about Mary's amazing strength and her continued "yes" in response to the gift she was given.

Hopefully time will permit me to post some of my Lenten plans - wow, less than two weeks before Ash Wednesday!

God's peace be with you ~ Beate