Saturday, May 24, 2014

Preparing for the Ascension

Ascension Thursday is May 29, 2014

Even though in our diocese the feast day is celebrated the following Sunday, our family will remember the day this coming Thursday. When I was growing up, 'Christi Himmelfahrt' was a state holiday and celebrated with a procession by most of the village.

Catholic Cuisine suggests a hillside picnic with some Ascension inspired food choices here and a "Heavenly lunch" complete with table decorating idea here. I'll probably incorporate some of these ideas into our dinner and dessert plans. Cream puffs - yum! I'm pretty sure I can make the pastry ahead of time, and then have the kids fill them Thursday afternoon.

We've never done the Ascension Glowing Cloud Craft, but I'm gathering supplies because I know my crew will love this. I also found an Ascension Word Find and an Ascension Coloring Page which I've printed out and left laying near the printer just waiting to be found. is another 3 d Ascension craft that doesn't require as many materials :-)

I love this prayer from St Augustine, which we will use for our mealtime prayer:

"Today our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven; let our hearts ascend with him. Listen to the words of the Apostle: If you have risen with Christ, set your hearts on the things that are above where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God; seek the things that are above, not the things that are on earth. For just as he remained with us even after his ascension, so we too are already in heaven with him, even though what is promised us has not yet been fulfilled in our bodies."

Have a blessed day ~

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