Monday, May 19, 2014

Entering into the Mystery of Easter

In School Year - Church Year, Peter Mazar writes: " The season lasts 50 days, from Easter Sunday until Pentecost. Why 50? Seven is a sign of fullness - there are seven days in a week. Seven weeks signify "fully full." And when one more day is added - to make 50 - we have  a sign of fullest fullness.... " He goes on to say that this, our most ancient season, encompases 1/7th of the year and was termed the "Great Sunday" by St. Athanasius. "As the Lord's Day is to the week, the Easter season is to the year."

How do we celebrate this beautiful season in our Domestic Church? In our home this year, the big girls are off on an adventure and my garden is sadly neglected. However, we've opened the windows relishing the moderate temps and the songs of the birds. The little kids happily pick flowers to fill assorted cups and vases. The glory of God surrounds us, reminding us to live the Resurrection. It's an important season that deserves more time than I've given it this year. I'm looking for inspiration :-) We picked up some Lighthouse cds for in the car and are hearing God's call to prayer and sanctity. We laugh together, enjoying the gift of one another. We're making plans for the Ascension and Pentecost...How about you?

In the peace of the Good Shepherd,

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