Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Ordinary days of Summer ;-)

The great feast of Pentecost has brought the Easter season to a close. We attended Mass elsewhere this weekend and it was very moving to watch Father and the servers take the Paschal candle from its place by the Ambo and process with it down the aisle to the Baptismal font. Every candle mounted to the walls of the church were lit in honor of the Holy Spirit - truly beautiful!

Momma Church does ease us out of the festive season - now we can look forward to Trinity Sunday, followed by the feast of Corpus Christi, which like the Ascension, has been moved from Thursday to Sunday...

The summer season, is a good time to reflect on saints, so hopefully I'll have a bit of time to list a few of them along with ideas on how to celebrate their days within the next couple of weeks ~


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