"...baptism gives us new birth in Christ, makes us sharers in the mystery of his death and resurrection, grants the forgiveness of sin and brings us new freedom as God’s children and members of his Church. Let us not forget the great gift we have received. Our baptism has changed us, given us a new and glorious hope, and empowered us to bring God’s redeeming love to all, particularly the poor, in whom we see the face of Christ... As we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord this Sunday, let us ask him to renew in us the grace of our baptism and to make us, with all our brothers and sisters, true children of God and living members of his body, the Church." ~ Pope Francis
In our homes, we celebrate birthdays. Yet Pope Francis rightly reminds us not to forget the gift of Baptism that most of us received as infants. How do we remember, celebrate and honor that day when we were first invited to the table of Our Lord? I confess to not even knowing all my children's baptism dates! However, for Sunday's Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, I plan on printing out a baptismal photo for each of them, writing the date on the back, and laying it on the prayer table along with a shell which signifies baptism to the children who have been in the atrium. We'll light a white candle and recall each of their special days, perhaps bringing out our family's baptismal gown.
Perhaps that will be an impetus for me to celebrate their baptismal dates, along with those of myself and my husband, by Mass attendance and lighting a candle during dinner time.
How do you honor this day in your family?
~ Beate
3 of the 7 gifts of Baptism - water, the oils and light:
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