...a time to let the joy of the Feast grow in our hearts!
This was gleaned from another formation leader at one of our sessions during the summer and I plan on using this phrase with the children in the atrium as a way to define the "growing time" of the Church. The past couple of weeks discussion topics in our home have been St. Maximilian Kolbe, sacrificial love, abundant mercy, and how to love amidst hatred. The maxim, "Do good to those who hate you," has been lifted out more than once. However, we've also watched as our dry, brown grass was quickly revitalized by the 2" of rain that fell, and we've seen the Lantana go from droopy to blooming seemingly overnight. The Holy Spirit reminds us that we are sons and daughter of the King and "Alleluia" is our song. May the joy of Easter continue to grow in our hearts as we set out in confidence to serve our Lord.